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Wir haben Nick für anstehende Großprojekte und Kollaborationen angeheuert und waren verblüfft wie schnell er unsere Gespräche in 3D Objekte umwandelte. Die Dinge plötzlich vor sich zu sehen hat immer wieder die Diskussion angekurbelt.
Jimmie M. L.
RWE Renewables
Working with Nick enabled me to get all the ideas and concepts out of my head and present them to my team. On top of that he was able to really understand what I was trying to go for and added his keen sense of design to it.
Claudio Oliverio
Director, Photographer
Working with Nick enabled me to get all the ideas and concepts out of my head and present them to my team. On top of that he was able to really understand what I was trying to go for and added his keen sense of design to it.
Claudio Oliverio
Director, Photographer
Wir haben Nick für anstehende Großprojekte und Kollaborationen angeheuert und waren verblüfft wie schnell er unsere Gespräche in 3D Objekte umwandelte. Die Dinge plötzlich vor sich zu sehen hat immer wieder die Diskussion angekurbelt.
Jimmie M. L.
RWE Renewables

See what you think

Big project ahead with many parties involved? Get them all into a meeting and manifest what has been just an idea so far

Generate ideas

You’ve got a couple of rough ideas for your game or film but want to be more precise when expressing your thoughts?

Prototype fast

You need quick assets or mock-ups for 3D printing to communicate your vision?


You have a live event and want to stand out with a 3D performance modeling or sculpting what you have in mind?

Live 3D

You have probably heard of graphic recording – drawing/visualising ideas, products or mindmaps during a talk or meeting. Well, welcome to the future. I create 3d objects while you communicate whats on your mind. From large scale projects to characters or assets for 3D printing. 

So how does it work? You book me for the duration of your event either in person or remote. I share my screen and you see how I create obejcts live in 3D. I’ve started with 3D when i was only 14 years old. It was a hobby. it was fun. Now i am looking at over 10 years of professional experience. I dont need to think about how to create things. I can just execute. This provides the speed nessecary to keep creating while you are talking, thinking, iterating through your ideas and options. 3D visualization is its own language. It is a new form of communication. 

Being able to see what was just a rough construct of thoughts immediately makes your thoughts a reality and enables you to move forward.I am excited to help you visualize whats on your mind!
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Do you still have questions?